Author Archives: Kevin Burke

CS1000 Capturing CDR data

At our site we have a Nortel CS1000 handling all our telephony. We were looking into a solution for calculating call costs for billing purposes.

3rd Party solutions are expensive.

So I decided to look at an in-house solution.

The first issue was how to capture the data.

We have a dedicated PC which runs our TM software (and also does our FreeWMI – see previous blogs!).

Connecting this pc’s serial port to the 25 pin connector at the back of the CS1k (Com RS232 port) labelled port 2 should capture CDR data.

This will pump out raw CDR data at 9600 7/N/1 (Note the 7 Data Bits!)

To capture this data on the PC I used PuTTY (Serial Port Version).

Available here

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Auto Attendant Greeting / Menu Prompts

OK here we go again….

Microsoft in their wisdom thought it would be a good idea to disable a feature that most people would find very useful!

In trying to set up a site wide auto attendant I went through the relevant steps to add custom greeting and menu prompts to an auto attendant.

Got a decent Microphone.
Found a quiet room.
Got a staff well spoken member.
Recorded Greetings and Menu Prompts
Saved them as the appropriate type of WAV file (PCM 8kHz 16Bit mono)
Uploaded them via Exchange Management Console
Checked them on the phone system (Nortel (Avaya?) CS1000)
Sounded dreadful – hissing and cracking and quiet!
Not suitable at all!

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MS Exchange 2007 and Nortel CS1k UM Auto Attendants

Here is the scenario…….

Nortel CS1K
MS Exchange 2007
UM Auto Attendants Required

Main switchboard number was set to forward on busy to a UM Auto Attendant which would present a menu of available options for the caller to select as per the usual business call centre type.

The user would be forwarded to the UM Auto Attendant and if the UM Auto Attendant option selected was a phone number the phone would ring and if answered the call would continue as expected……
if the call was forwarded to an Exchange Voicemail number specifically or if the extension selected was busy or did not answer the caller would be asked to leave a message.
The caller would put on their best telephone voice and start to leave their message when after 10 seconds they would hear “Are you still there?”

Exchange could not hear the caller!

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MS Exchange 2007 Service Pack 2 Install with Language Packs

I recently installed Service Pack 2 onto my Exchange 2007 server but had a few problems which I will try to explain here……

Download Location…..

When running the Setup program the server failed pre-requisite checks on the Unified Messaging because apparently Microsoft only want you to have “en-US” Language Packs installed.

So I needed to remove the “en-GB” Language Pack.

This would be done using the command; / RemoveUmLanguagePack: en-GB

BUT here is what I got…..

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Exchange 2007 and Nortel CS1K Message Waiting Indicator – The Cheap Way

Geomant MWI Software would have cost around £2000

Looked for an alternative and came across Freemwi

The Developer Justin was a great help.

Below is the communication we had…….


Sorry for the delay in response. Don’t know if you have figured it out yet, but it will be hard to help you with out more information.

My initial guess is that you are using the email address instead of the UPN. e.g. the users UPN is [email protected], but email is [email protected]

If you can send me a copy of the user CSV, screen shots of the General, and Account tabs, in Active Directory Users and Computers, what your impersonation account user is and the print out of this command: “Get-MailboxPermission -Identity [email protected] fl” I will be in a better position to help you.

One other trouble shooting tip, in a browser you should be able to go to the OWA site and impersonate the user:[email protected]

then login with you MWI user: e.g. [email protected], it should open his mailbox.

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Using Exchange Server 2007 UM for Express Messaging

If you are familiar with Nortel Telephony systems you may have used something called Express Messaging.

This feature allows you to dial a pre-defined number (from any phone) and type in a persons extension number to acces and leave them a voicemail message.

This feature was widely used at the organisation I work for.

We now have a new telephony system installed based on a Nortel CS1k connecting to Exchange 2007 for Voicemail using Unified Messaging.

There did not seem to be any way to replicate the Express Messaging feature on the CS1K so I looked into doing something using Exchange.

The obvious candidate was using an Auto Attendant

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Adding Language Packs to Exchange 2007 UM

Okay so I got UM working on Exchange 2007 for our new Nortel CS1K system.
Set up some Voicemail.
Set up an Auto Attendant.
Got really tired of hearing an American Accent saying “Press The Pound Key” (It’s a Hash Key!)

So looked into how to add Language packs.

MS Technet was quite helpful on this and had a lot of info but was not too good on specifics.

Used a fellow bloggers post here to clear up some of the syntax

Googled umlang-en-GB.msi to find the MS download page for the relevant Language Pack.

Downloaded it – copied it to the Exchange Box in “D:UM”. (no pun intended!)

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