Because we planned to implement a new Hyper-V Cluster using Windows Server 2012R2 we had to move to SCVMM 2012 R2 but in order to do this one of the steps we needed to complete was Upgrading System Centre DPM 2012 to 2012 R2.
I have detailed the steps I took below, there may be some differences for your specific configuration but you will get a good idea.
I recently had an issue where System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 was constantly reporting Replica Inconsistent on my Exchange Server 2010 Protection Group for the relevant Storage Groups, upon investigation I was pointed towards Eseutil as being a possible cause.
Basically if there is a mismatch between the versions of Eseutil on the Exchange Server and on the DPM Server then the replicas will appear to be inconsistent.
This can occur if you install a Service Pack on Exchange.
So the solution is to copy the version of Eseutil.exe and ese.dll from your Exchange Server to your DPM Server;
<Exchange Install Path>\bin\eseutil.exe to <DPM Install Path>\bin\eseutil.exe
<Exchange Install Path>\bin\ese.dll to <DPM Install Path>\bin\ese.dll
This should then solve the Replica Inconsistent problem, after a Consistency Check.
Full details and further information can be found on the following
“DpmSync is a command-line tool that enables you to synchronize the DPM database with the state of the disks in the storage pool and with the installed protection agents. The DpmSync tool restores the DPM database, synchronizes the DPM database with the replicas in the storage pool, restores the Report database, and reallocates missing replicas. “
Using the DPM Management Shell, I ran the command;
dpmsync -sync
I then re-tried the DPM Administrator Console and all was good in the world again.
As I said I do not know what cause this problem but this procedure repaired the problem and I have had no issues since.