So we had a failed iSCSI target on our production DPM server and as the NAS unit was a bit old decided to upgrade it.
New unit was installed and iSCSI Target was mounted and disk was added to DPM.
The old disk was still there with status “Missing”
All Protection Group members were also marked as “Volume Missing”
So after a bit of Googling I found that the following command would reallocate the members to the newly available disk…..
DPMSYNC -reallocatereplica
Once this command had completed all Protection Group members were marked as “Manual Replica Creation Pending”
This would mean I would need to perform a consistency check on all Protection Group members.
Once again I consulted Google and found an excellent blog item here….
This gave the following PowerShell Script for checking Consistency on multiple Protection Group members….
$pg = Get-ProtectionGroup
foreach ($pgi in $pg) { $ds = get-datasource $pgi; foreach ($dsi in $ds) { if ($dsi.State -eq ‘Invalid’) { Start-DatasourceConsistencyCheck $dsi | out-null; $dsi.ProductionServerName + ” :: ” + $dsi.DisplayPath } } }
This script worked on System Center 2012 R2 – DPM.
I was then able to delete the missing disk and all was well (eventually) with DPM.
Hope this helps.